Supporting young people in the North of England with Northern Consortium

We are delighted that Northern Consortium is supporting our work in the North of England. Northern Consortium was founded by a consortium of universities situated across the North of England and funds organisations providing services and activities to those communities.
At Apps for Good we offer two core courses, App for Social Action and Innovate for Climate Change. These solution-focused technology courses encourage young people from all backgrounds to solve urgent issues using digital technology. They also teach essential skills including communication, problem solving and leadership, skills that will be important for their future.
One student told us: “Before we did Apps for Good, I didn’t know I could actually change the world and make it a better place. It had an impact on me. I feel that Apps for Good really changed my mind about technology, helping change the world.”
Thank you Northern Consortium for partnering with us to support young people in the North of England to access our free courses and fulfil their potential.