Design an App in a Day

Create a basic interactive prototype of an app in 5 hours

Step 1: Review the learning objectives


  • Identify everyday problems which could be solved by a mobile app


  • Be able to expand and develop initial ideas to create a better understanding of the problem to be solved
  • Understand how to utilise mobile device features in the design of an app


  • A paper design of an app

Step 2: Download the student workbook

  • Printable student A4 workbook containing practical activities
  • Guides you and your students through the course
  • Fully editable, making it easy for you to adapt to meet your needs

Step 3: Review the delivery guide

  • Get a quick overview of the course structure
  • Review the activities and timings for each session

Step 5: Present the class activities

  • Launch the presentation below to deliver the course content and explain the activities to the students
  • All activities introduced in the presentation are also found in the student workbook

Step 6: App in a day version using AppLab

This version of App in a Day includes resources to build a wireframe prototype using AppLab.

If you select this option you will need the following teacher's guide to to setting up AppLab logins and an alternative student workbook:

Step 7: Watch the delivery videos

  • Want to deliver the course yourself? Watch these videos to understand how you can present the course and deliver each class activity.
  • Want help delivering the course? Use these as instructional videos in the classroom to deliver the course content direct to pupils.

This is a set of 12 videos (access the playlist from the dropdown menu on the top right of the video)