
Helping young women overcome period poverty

Sanitary is brought to you by

Rokhaya, Haajar, and Seher, all aged 13 from Shireland Collegiate Academy.

Tell us more!

What is your product and who is it for?

Our product is Sanitary and has been created to tackle period poverty. It is aimed at women and girls in the UK who don't have access to sanitary products.

What inspired your idea, and why is it important to you?

We are females, we menstruate monthly, and we can empathise with females who cannot afford sanitary products or struggle to find them. We are very enthusiastic about this subject because as women, we understand how it feels to menstruate and we understand that it can be challenging when not supplied with the correct essential products.

How does your product solve the problem?

Our app is designed for females who do not have the opportunity or have barriers to access essential products. Our app helps women to get these necessary sanitary products for free in an emergency or in a demanding situation.

We have created a user profile to show an example of how our app works:

"Jasmine lives with her father and her father doesn`t provide her with the sanitary products she needs. The solution is that she must go onto our app, she is given a code then all she needs to do is go into the nearest and local shop, show any employee a code then she is given a free package of products."

How does it work?

To begin, users would log in to our app, and a ‘Where to find’ icon would fill the homepage. This would be clicked, they would add their location and it would automatically inform them of the nearest establishment that sells the products they need. After this, users would then travel to said place to collect the sanitary products they need during menstruation. The app will produce a barcode that can be used for payment at the till; the shop's finance system tracks this back to the affiliated charity which will pay for the item(s).

Meet the team

Why vote for Sanitary?

We are young, enthusiastic, and passionate about our app. We have started with an idea but have so many thoughts on how this can expand to tackle the wider issue of females accessing essential products.

Yes, the app will support females accessing products, but we would love to further explore self-care, advice, discount coupons, and educating parents and carers that this must be an essential item in the household when raising females.

We are dealing with a substantial and severe issue in the world that affects lots of people, and this must be resolved. So, we want to ensure that the stigma is brought to the surface, and using technology is the perfect way to do this.

The Inclusive Creators category is sponsored by EPAM

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